Last post was on December 15, 2012. Whew! What a wonderful whirlwind life has been since then!
I'll start out by saying 2012 was a
great year! Just maybe, the best year ever. Seriously, let me do a quick run down of what the wonderful year of 2012 had to offer. I kicked it off with a bang by officially moving to Grenada with Nick on January 4th. This was the big medical school year for Nick as he would complete 3 terms of school before the year was over and we would spend about 9 out of the 12 months of 2012 living in Grenada. Life in Grenada is never dull. This can mean it is full of excitement, new adventures, beautiful Grenadian children and sunshine OR it can mean broken fridges, fires in the shower, endless bugs, cat calls, and non-stop sweating- however, regardless of whichever way the arrow points for that day, life here is always an adventure and a good story to tell. Living in Grenada has been a huge blessing that I would not trade in for all the AC, season changes, and convenience of the United States for anything. God has a plan, his plan is good, and we are better for it!
Summer of 2012 brought a wonderful surprise in the form of the sweetest proposal ever from my main squeeze! There are no words for the way I felt that day, but I can easily say I have never been more surprised, shocked, excited, and happy- ever. It was perfect! I enjoyed every aspect of being engaged and wedding planning and thanks to a ton of help from our parents and my sister, the whole planning process was smooth, enjoyable, and stress-free... and even living in the time warp that is Grenada- our 6 months of engaged life flew by!
Starting in August, we braced ourselves for 4th term of medical school. The looming giant and stormy cloud that had been slowly approaching had finally arrived. We'd heard the stories, we'd witnessed others go through it before us, and now it was our turn. On top of Nick's hectic and stressful schedule, I was also busy as a member of the SO board, wedding planning, and had my hands full with studying for my social work board exam. The madness ended with nothing but smiles however, as we both kicked major butt and came out on the other side with Nick getting all
great grades in his hardest term ever AND I passed my exam! It's so rewarding to see all of Nick's endless hours of studying pay off and he continues to impress me daily with his motivation, dedication to learning, and incredible study habits.
To celebrate our recent successes and to help bring the crazy, yet wonderful, year to an end- we took a trip down the aisle! I'll start by saying-
I want to get married every day! Everything about our wedding was perfect. We got a dusting of snow the day before, the roads were perfect the day of, although the day started out a bit gray and cloudy the sun and blue skies appeared 45 minutes prior to our ceremony and remained the rest of the evening. We were surrounded by hundreds of our closest family members and friends and felt so much love and support that we were completely overwhelmed (in a good way of course). The day went by SO FAST, but I had been told by many to try and take a step back throughout the day to just take everything in... and I am so glad I did!
We are so blessed to have so many special people in our lives who really helped us pull everything together and who did a good chunk of the leg work for us because without them, it would not have been possible! 12-22-12 was a great day- and as it was said, the world did not end on the 21st, but on the 22nd a new beginning and chapter began for us and for our families :)
We celebrated our
first married Christmas together just a few short days later surrounded by many family members and friends as we made our rounds hitting 5 different Christmas parties! We wouldn't have had it any other way however, because it gave us the opportunity to see everyone again before it was time to head home to Grenada.

We ended 2012 on a cruise ship celebrating our new marriage, love, and happiness the best way Nick and I know how... in the sun, playing all kinds of silly games, going on fun outdoorsy adventures, and eating more than any 2 people should! My luggage may not have made it on the cruise ship with us, thus giving me a new nickname of "giftshop dress girl" thanks to needing to wear the only dress they had for sale in the gift shop on New Years Eve... but it made for some great stories and that was literally the only snafu we encountered the entire trip! All in all, it was SO WONDERFUL to have my main man back from the claws of medschool and to enjoy nothing but relaxation and fun together to celebrate a fabulous year of great accomplishments and to get us ready to take on 2013 which promises to be filled with just as much craziness!
We are now back in Grenada and it is so hard to believe we are in the final stretch.
Where has time gone? I seriously remember Nick walking through airport security to head to this unknown little island without me like it was yesterday
and now here we are starting to finalize our plans to leave Grenada for good which is definitely bittersweet. Time. Flies.
So here's to 2012 and all the happiness and love it brought and all the wonderful memories I will forever cherish! Cheers to 2013 and all the many fun, crazy, most likely a little stressful, but amazing adventures that this new year has to bring! Oh, and double cheers to not having any studying left to do and to having very few responsibilities this term outside playing with and loving on the children here in Grenada for the next 5 months! Hard work and sacrifice paid off, and I most certainly intend to make the most out of it!
Chow for now! :)