Pumpkin carving with my little brothers is usually pretty classic. Every year Joey creates his own design for his pumpkin and they are never disappointing! Alex on the other hand likes to go through the stencil book and find one that is elaborate and cool. Over the years a system has somewhat developed where Maggie helps assist Alex in the carving of his pumpkin and my dad helps makes whatever Joey has created come to life on his pumpkin. I'm usually pretty tradition and just do a face or whatever the family pumpkin is or just bounce around and help, but this year Nick and I had our own!
All in all, another successful year of carving in the books!
Later in the afternoon we also got together to celebrate Nick's mom's birthday! Lots of family gathered together at the Leo house and it was a fun filled afternoon of just hanging, watching football, and catching up with everyone! The food was SO good and I definitely ate enough for both me AND baby!! I think this child is growing a lot lately because after a few weeks of eating like a normal human I am back to being starving every couple of hours (or 10 minutes after just eating a full meal.. but i digress!) I've heard this is normal in the 2nd trimester but I ate this way in the 1st trimester so I was hoping maybe I just went in reverse order... nope, looks like it may be a full 9 month thing, if we end up with a super chub on our hands we will know why!!! And at least eating is more fun during the holidays and the food is extra, extra delicious!! :)

It sure was a fun filled family day and it was super nice to see Nick relaxing and having fun since he's been mostly locked away studying for his first shelf exam on Nov 8th!