
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slacker blogger award

Time is passing SO quickly these days, I can't even believe it!

Life update since my blogging has been less than stellar... Nick survived the second round of exams and once again did awesome! He successfully completed Microbiology and is happy to check yet another class off the list! There is no doubt that the past 7 weeks were the hardest in medical school. They were unbelievably exhausting, but all the hard work and lack of sleep paid off :) I am extremely proud! Since Microbiology is officially done, he has started Nutrition as a replacement, but compared to Micro, it is much easier and so the trade was welcomed with open arms! Nutrition is only a 1 credit class that he has for 2 weeks (his final is already on Monday) and then is done and he will only have Pathology and CPD for the remainder of the term. Although the term is not over yet, and finals promise to be hard as always, I think we can officially say there is a small light at the end of the tunnel!!
Lots of beautiful sunsets these days!!! Since we've both been studying on campus, we've been enjoying dinner in front of them almost every night!!!  I sure don't hate it!
In other news: Nick's parents came to visit, so we had a blast doing some fun things and Nick was able to break away from studying to hang out with them more than we expected, which was great! There was lots of beach time and just hanging out, and the highlight of the trip was easily deep sea fishing! We've been before but did not catch anything so we were excited to go again and try our luck... and this time caught SEVEN FISH! It was SO awesome! All in all we caught 1 Tuna, 2 Rainbow Runners, and 4 Barracuda! This was my first time catching anything ever deep sea fishing so I was pumped! Having visitors is always so nice, especially when you haven't seen anyone from home in 5 months!!!!
Showin' all those fish what is up... Yeah.. wasn't expecting to be handed a slimy fishy though!
Otherwise, life has been a little more boring for me. I haven't been able to go to Limes much at all the past couple of weeks because I have been on house arrest studying for my board exam (that I take in only 20 days... eeek!) It makes me sad to miss out on Limes and definitely makes me realize how much those Limes children have made my life here as great as it is... but unfortunately, for now, studying has to be main priority. Still bums me out though. I miss those kids SO much and am hoping to get there at least a couple times before I leave to head home in 2 weeks!

And lastly, wedding planning is coming along amazingly!! I still love it and enjoy every minute of it! Definitely starting to feel the crunch a little bit (37!!! days!!) and can not wait to be home and more hands on in the getting ready process! Thank goodness for so many people at home helping with calls, setting appointments, and doing a lot of the leg work for us because otherwise this whole planning thing would not have been possible! All in all too, I think we are really on top of things, and everything should continue to run smoothly (Mom, don't think about the number of days left!) Reality that it is so close still has not completely hit me though because the weather here makes me feel like it is still a couple months away, but we are really excited and looking forward to it! It is the perfect way to end this crazy term!
FINALLY got to see our invitation in person!!! You can't even imagine my excitement!!!!

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