
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A look back a basic sciences

Well I'll show you! This image was being sent around Nick's class Facebook page over the past few days and I think it really does an excellent job of really highlighting all the hard work that these students have done over the past 2 years of basic sciences. So proud of my doctor-in-training and ALL that he has not only accomplished, but excelled in, over these past 2 years! The road to becoming a doctor is NOT easy, takes a ton of work, not a lot of sleep, hours upon hours sitting in the library surrounded by notes and books, gallons of coffee to stay awake, not enough time with significant others/families, and a dedication like no other... but they are the future of medicine, and for that I am thankful that they are willing to put in that much work- because I surely could not do it!

The road to medicine during the first 2 years academically includes:
Cheers to test #51 and Nick rockin' the USMLE!

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