
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Remember When....

In 6 days we are officially back in the States and our time here in Grenada has officially come to an end. AH! That's unbelievable. I wouldn't mind if time would slow down just a little bit until then. It won't be too long before all these amazing, hilarious, crazy, ridiculous, and sometimes challenging moments become "remember when we were in Grenada andddddd....." stories.

For instance, remember when we lived in Grenada AND

...When walking to the bus stop a mango fell out of a tree and literally landed on MY head.
...When the "BINGO lady" walked up and took my drink out of my hand and started drinking it herself. OR  when a highlight of your night was being the big winner of a toliet seat bowl.
...When we squeezed 60-70 people on a bus with only 30 seats to drive an hour north for a hash?
...When we lived in a place where it was okay to drive WHILE drinking a beer, but illegal to drive without a shirt on.
...A lizard fell on my head not once, but on TWO separate occasions in ONE week.
... Traffic would be completely backed up due to a herd of goats crossing or hanging out in the street.
... When we constantly had all 5 bus schedules not only memorized, but knew the best time to catch them all in sequence to make it to our destination and back quickly [seriously, it's a skill and like a puzzle putting them all together!]
... There were days when the groceries would be too heavy so I would literally hide them in the bushes, RUN home with some as fast as I could, then run back to gather the rest.
... We had to kill cockroaches by arming ourselves with spear-fishing spears, swim goggles, bop bug spray, and Nick hosting me up on his shoulders to reach a top corner.
...Nick would come home to me standing ON the kitchen table with chairs randomly throughout the house because mice were taking over the floor.

Honestly, I could go on, and on, and on, because Grenada gave us so many funny, adventurous, and challenging moments that all turned in to great stories we will be telling for the rest of our lives!!! We are so fortunate to have lived on this wonderful, tiny island - and it will always be home to us. Thanks for so many great memories, Grenada... even the ones that weren't great until days, weeks, or months later, because now- they make one hell of a story! We will truly miss the beauty of the island, the slower pace living, and simplicity of life here. We'll definitely be back to visit!

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