
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Things I miss about Grenada

1) The kids!! Seriously, needing some Limes Kiddos in my life asap. I miss their silliness so much and need a good Jada hug!
2)Our house! I miss waking up to the pretty ocean and crashing waves. Yes, I got spoiled.
3) Smoothies! Although I've had a few since being home, they just arent the same!! 
4) Walking-- might sound weird, but I miss the natural exercise of walking around. I miss the calm that comes with it and the smell of the ocean or flowers.  My car is awesome though, and I will miss that when we leave again... ha, the grass is always greener eh?
5) Salt water- clean water is awesome in that you arent sticky when you get out, but still, nothing beats a swim in the crystal clear salty ocean.
6) The cliff!!!!!- Self explanatory and will be one of the first things we do when we get back :)
7) Oddly enough, I miss my clothesline. Weird right? And although I dont miss the scratchy clothes, it is crazy awesome to put the clothes on the line knowing they will remain there, wrinkle free, until I want to put them away... here I find myself constantly waiting on the dryer to finish, or forgetting about it and ending up with a bunch of wrinkled clothes!!
8) "Miss" "Miss" "Miss" - love hearing that whenever I go to the store or am just wandering around and pass a child I know, or of course at Limes. Ahhh, love ittttt.
9)  Routine- It's funny how coming home has been more of a vacation than anything and while I cant complain one bit and it has been a blast, I am starting to crave a little structure!
10) Simplicity- Grenada is wonderfully simple. We don't have a car, I buy what I can carry at the grocery store, I cook all our meals, use my cell phone maybe once a week, listen to crashing of the waves all day, play with wonderful kids, and help make life easier on my favorite guy... those are the important things, and the extra noise and fluff is so minimal, that it really is nice in a  lot of ways.

These are just a few of the many things I miss. Being home has been wonderful, and there are soooo many things I will miss when we leave again, but I think it is important to remember all the things I love about Grenada- there really are so many things. As the countdown quickly approaches, it is bittersweet because, I will miss family and friends so much, but at the same time, can't wait to get back to that tiny spot of land we call home!

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