
Friday, July 27, 2012

3rd term academic update

So, since most of my posts lately have been about fun stuff that both Nick and I have been able to do during this magnificent 3rd term, I thought it might be time for a school update. This term Nick is more or less taking 3 subjects that were combined into 1 class under the umbrella term "Behavior Sciences and Medicine."  It breaks down something like this: 1 part- Behavioral Sciences, 1 part- Biostatistics/Epidemiology/Health Systems, and 1 part- Jurisprudence & Clinical Ethics. 

Obviously, I am not in the class, but the impression I have gotten is that some of it is super common sense and therefore makes for a really boring lecture, some stuff is interesting, some is a bit challenging, and some just falls somewhere in between... so really there is a mix of difficulty level, but all in all, seems doable without killing yourself (a nice break from previous terms.)

The bottom line for us has been that YES 3rd term is much more relaxed, but this doesn't mean that there isn't still a decent amount of studying per week (it just seems a lot less because the bar for studying was set SO high during the 1st year!) However, if you stay on top of lectures and studying, you can have a lot more time for relaxation and fun during this 6 weeks!

Nick's day pretty much consists of catching the 7:45 bus to campus, class from 8-noon, lunch, then a couple days a week he has small group for a couple hours after that. In between class and small group he will study, or on days where he doesn't have small group he will stay on campus for a couple hours to study. BUT that being said, with the exception of the week before finals, he has been home every night around 6:30pm-- which is awesome! 

The weekends have definitely been much more easy going, with a few hours of studying usually on Sunday, but for the most part as long as he has been able to stay on top of things during the week, his weekends have remained open for fun and island exploring!

Nick also keeps impressing me by pullin' in great grades as he absolutely rocked his midterm last week! Soooo proud! :) 

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