
Sunday, July 1, 2012

We're baaaack!!

After a long 30 hours of traveling and a day filled with unpacking, grocery shopping, and organizing we are officially settled back into our Grenada home!

The travel process is always an interesting one, and this time around was no exception. We were originally supposed to leave Thursday and spend the night in Chicago, but due to an overbooked flight and many very annoyed business people, we offered to give up our seats and stay the night in the Detroit airport instead for a couple vouchers. The woman working at our gate was thrilled that we offered and made her night by getting 2 of the angry 6-7 people off her back and quickly relinquished us each a $300.00 voucher each for future use!! We were already going to spend the night in the airport, so the fact that we got to get paid to do so... awesome!! She also smuggled us dinner, snacks, and blankets off an incoming plane which really made the night much better than it would have been otherwise. 

Our flight to Miami was smooth, our layover in Miami consisted of us soaking all of the American food and drink we could before leaving, and we caught our plane to Grenada without a hitch. 

Our luck-filled trip ended however with the 2 hours it took us to get through customs... Can't win 'em all. Now we have had slow service in customs before (it's expected really) but this was a new record. There were many workers to be seen, but only about 3 working. The others must have been on break for the day because we could see them with their feet up on a desk giving each other back massages... no worries though, we loved standing in a hot airport line for hours on end! Welcome back to Grenada! All of our bags (4 of them) did make it to Grenada with us however, so that in itself is definitely a victory!

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous and we got in some beach time, but today there has basically been a monsoon going on. Seriously, it has been pouring rain for hours on end and the ocean looks dark and angry. It's kinda fun and thankfully not too hot since we can't open windows.

Anyways, it is good to be back, and so life on the island continues to never be dull! Oh, and we only found a few dead bugs upon arrival!!!! No mice, or live bugs, or frogs, or lizards, to be found yet. Great success!

Haven't been to see my Limes babies yet though! Limes doesn't officially start back up for a couple months, but HOPING Laura and I will go see them soon :) Nick is going crazy because I just keep talking about how badly I need to see them! I hope Jada still likes to snuggle! 

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