
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Girl Friends!

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to hang out with a few of the other SOs (significant others) at the beach yesterday! Yay friends! It was really nice to meet some girls who are in the same boat I am and who can help me learn the in and outs of the island! They invited me to tag along with them on their trip to Magazine Beach, which was absolutely gorgeous! I didn't bring my snorkel stuff, but will have to next time... I think it is about time I actually learn how to use it! I am really excited about having girl friends down here, and think it will really help to make our time on the island that much better! Also, with all the talk about Limes (the school program the SOs run) yesterday I am soooo excited to begin volunteering next week! It sounds so up my ally and can't wait to see what opportunities the programs has for me to get involved!  Also, on the way back from the beach I got to meet a few of the kids who attend the program because Stephanie needed to stop by their house. Omgosh, talk about cuteness- they were so silly! Like I said, I am very excited to start next week! :)

Unfortunately my camera battery died so I only got one picture of the beach (amateur mistake) but good thing I am sure I will see much more of Magazine Beach over the next year and half so I'll survive this time!
Hard to believe, but it is even more beautiful in real life!!
Magazine Beach was great too because it was much more quiet than Grand Anse Beach :)

Also, I have to add, as I am writing this, I am watching one the most beautiful sunsets I have yet to see in Grenada!! I love that I can watch them from my house and/or back porch... so spoiled!

Yeah, sunsets like these never get old and continue to amaze me! I'm a pretty lucky girl eh?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Can't wait to hang out more! Im so excited for Limes too! See ya soon.
