
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Term 2 Update

I've shared the wonderful adventures that we've done over the past couple weeks and how much I love Limes and am enjoying the children of Grenada, but lets not forget the reason we are here. Nick is currently a couple weeks into Term 2 of medical school. So far, it appears to be going well, and while he has been studying a lot, it hasn't been as crazy as first term... yet.  He is currently taking 2 classes- parasitology and CPM. They are both 1 credit classes and his finals for them are early next week- so very quick classes.  He is enjoying parasitology and finds it to be very interesting, although a great deal of memorization. He is however, not so much a fan of CPM. I have helped to quiz him on parasitology a couple times, and it's a lot of big words, and gross stuff!! Very interesting though. After these 2 finals he starts the other 4 classes (neuro, genetics, immunology, and physiology) that he will have for the remainder of the term.  So I'm sure with finals looming already and the more intense classes about to start the fun of seeing him for dinner and having him come home before midnight are pretty much over. But, it was great while it lasted, and to be fair, it lasted a couple weeks longer than expected so that was a pleasant surprise! :)

Having him around more definitely helped me to ease into a schedule around here, before having him be super busy and living in the library and dry lab so for that I am extremely thankful.  On Monday and Thursdays SOs are allowed to use the University Club pool, which is conveniently located right down the street. I have only gone once, because I somehow seem to get busy doing other things, but I plan to go at least one day next week! Monday is also the day the SOs volunteer at the Queen Elizabeth orphanage, so I am really looking forward to starting that soon as well.  Then Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays is Limes, and I have recently acquired a babysitting job, so I will be babysitting a couple times during the week and on Saturday mornings.  Other than that, my time is pretty flexible, although, I have a new found appreciation for mothers everywhere in that planning dinners every single night and thinking through meals for the week isn't necessarily all that easy!! So although it would appear that I have a lot of down time here, I have actually discovered I do not have as much as I would have thought. Between cleaning, laundry, cooking meals and grocery store runs (which are a much bigger ordeal here) days seem to pass before I even know what to do with myself!  I haven't let us starve around here yet though, and recently found several new recipes that seem easy enough and I am looking forward to trying out!

Also, not sure why this didn't publish until now... so, in more recent news, his parasitology final is this (Monday) morning and CPM is tomorrow! He seems ready to go today and is ready to rock it out! 

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